Born of Italian Wine

Società Agricola Le Buche srl

The harvest is an important moment for the production of the wine. It is the moment in which the wine producers see the fruits of all the sacrifices and hard work done during the year.

Let's discover together how the harvest is done.

The harvest is certanly the most known part of the production of the wine, but not everyone knows how delicate this process can be. The bunches are cut by special scissors.The heathy clusters are choosen one by one and placed into the provided baskets then transported to the cellar to be pressed as soon as possible in order to avvoid damage to the berries. Before the pressing of the berries a special machine separates the berries from the stalk this is to avviod the impurities contaminating the future wine, At this point you can proceed with the fermentation that can be "white" or "red" then continue with the aging phase, which can last several months.

Once all these processes we can enjoy a great wine!
If you also want to follow the harvest in the vineyards and the production processes in the cellar, come visit us in our Wine Resort Le Buche.

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