Producers choose quality

Società Agricola Le Buche srl

Almost all the wineries have started the harvest of which we all have good
Coldiretti (the main Organization of farmers at national and European level) in an article of some time ago, expects a 5% higher production compared to 47.5 million hectoliters of the previous years, of course with different results in different areas and regions .

The climate has indeed been particularly decisive this season and has led to a delay of the beginning of the harvest.

The forecasts are still good throughout Italy, and everyone is waiting to see if, even in this 2016, production will exceed that of our French cousins. While we are waiting, we hope in a good result and especially in a quality production.

Even Le Buche winery has started the harvest that promises to have positive results.

It seems also that the climate assists us, avvoiding the rains and giving us some more beautiful days.

All wine lovers can come to visit us and stay in our Wine Resort in order to see by themselves the processes of the harvest and of the production in the cellar and to taste the old vintages.

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