Works in the vineyards:
the winter pruning

Società Agricola Le Buche srl

In the past, the winegrowers used different cutting tools for each region of Italy. The billhook was mainly used in the north. In the center and in the south, different shapes of “pennato” were prevalent (in the drawing: it is similar to a billhook, but with the addition of a second blade. This pruning knife shape dates back to the Roman period). These tools were difficult to wield: it was really easy to injury yourself, to injure the plant too much (with the entry of diseases and pests) and it takes strength. In the nineteenth century, the pruning shears (or secateurs) began to be used and the work started to be a little easier. Today we still use them, sometimes electric or pneumatic ones, to reduce fatigue and hand usury. The saw is used only for cuts of particularly large branches, or parts of the trunk.

If you do not prune, as happens to wild vines in nature or as it was done in the forms of primitive viticulture, the plant tends to grow a lot and produce many bunches. They are small, not very sweet and not very balanced. It is a grape that is good for feeding wild animals or for making a rudimentary wine.

Vines go into winter dormancy in November or December–losing the last of their leaves and leaving only bare cane shoots in their canopies
Winter pruning involves the selective removal of up to 90% of the previous season's vine growth. The overall goal of winter pruning is to prepare the vines for the upcoming growing season. This pruning helps to construct the location and general development of the canopy.
The ideal time is between the end of January and March

Pruning is an ancient work, where experience is essential to understand the vigour of each vine in order to give the correct shape to the branches and to balance the future fruit production and vegetative growth.
Experienced pruners consider factors like grape variety, age of the vine, and local climate to determine the best pruning technique. It's a crucial step for ensuring quality grape production in the upcoming growing season.
Almost of our vines are cordon-trained: this system allows a good canopy management especially when the vines have a vertical growth habit

febbraio24  Merlot  Lavori in Vigna  Pugnitello  Febbraio marzo 24

Vigna Villa Febbraio  Inverno vigna

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