Wine bottle giving
Etiquette, rules & tips

Società Agricola Le Buche srl

wine gift box

There are few things, almost universally appreciated as gifts, and a bottle of wine is one of them. It is easy to give and easy to find even at the last minute when reaching your party's place.

It is perfect for a party or for a formal dinner; even if you don’t know someone very well, it is difficult to go wrong with a good bottle.

Despite the versatility of a bottle giving there are some few mistakes to avoid!
Are you curious to know more?

If you bring wine:
First of all, well, it is hard to say for a wine lover, but you have to accept that your bottle could not be opened on the evening you are invited!
In another occasion, it could happen that you chose a white wine and there is a BBQ dinner, so you have to accept that you won’t be able to taste this wine. Please, don’t put pressure on your hosts and resist to the desire to hide your bottle under your jacket when you leave!

wine gift box

What about hosts point of view?
Well, a gift tag with your bottle saying: drink it on a special day (or something similar) will allow them to feel free to open. If they choose to open it, that’s fair enough. If they don't, they won’t have to worry about offending you.

Which wine to choose?
Choose your wine carefully: it is not forbidden to buy a wine at a supermarket; you might be in a hurry, just getting out from your office, but if you do that, try to have a medium high target price for your wine. From 15 euros on, it is a nice wine as a gift.
Anyway, it would be nice if you could spend some time selecting something not standard or mass-produced.

Each wine, its story:
It is always nice at a dinner, to tell a special story about the wine you brought.
If you go to a wine shop and you will talk to an expert, he will have plenty of stories to tell. Your gift won’t be only a bottle of wine but also a good story to tell and to drink.

wine gift box

Wine bottle wrap or box:
Last but not least, as all gift, better if the wine is presented in a beautiful box: not necessary a gift box, but something that can give value to the bottle.
A prestigious and beautiful wine box is usually synonymous of good and precious wine. Your host will certainly notice and appreciate it!

check out Olivi Le Buche Winery Gift boxes

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